70% of all Meridanos are on Facebook

Facebook is the social media platform of choice in Yucatán, where young people in particular are tech-minded. Photo: Getty
Facebook is the social media platform of choice in Yucatán, where young people in particular are tech-minded. Photo: Getty

Mérida, Yucatán — Meridanos are big consumers of social media, technology and the Internet, and younger people tend toward liberal ideas, a new study suggests.

Facebook is the social media platform of choice. Over 70 percent of all Merida’s residents are on Facebook; include the rest of the state including all the rural municipalities, the study finds 43 percent of the public is on Facebook.

Overall, Meridanos are heavy users of technology, internet and media, according to a study by Segmentos Research called “8 x 3.”

And they want more options. They are independent-minded consumers, not particularly loyal to established brands, in their quest for better products and services.

They told pollsters they crave better public transportation, 24-hour beer sales, more concerts and theaters, more options for traveling out-of-state, cinemas with nurseries, more private hospitals and more sports fields, pollsters said.

And attitudes on controversial issues — abortion, gay marriage and the death penalty — are not at all what they were 20 years ago when mainstream opinion was more aligned with the Catholic church.

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